Sunday 22 April 2012

Speed up your surfing...

as u know d dns servers r 2 resolves d domain names in 2 corresponding ip addresses, d speed of d netwrk also depents on d resolvng time f d dns servers...Most people use the default DNS settings provided by their ISP,... Namebench is a free app that checks to see whether your current settings are optimized and, if not, whichfree option is best for you. Here's how to use it: Download and install Namebench . start it up n choose ur settings. Keep d top two boxes checked. If you're concerned about network censorship, check d third box, n if u want 2 help d developers, check d last box. u can tweak the rest if u're outside U.S. or want to check wid different browsers.Click Start Benchmark n wait while Namebench runs its tests. It should take several minuts. A browser tab should pop open when Namebench is done and give you a list of DNS servers n how much faster dey r than theone u're currently using, unless yours are already d fastest possible. Namebench does nt change your settings, but it's generally pretty easy to do it yourself. Check wid the instructions u gotfrom your ISP 2 set up your modem and/or router n just substitute d DNS addresses youreceived frm Namebench 4 d addresses given by your ISP. It's best 2 do this with ur router, as it will assign dat DNS address for all d devices attached 2 it. That's it! This can dramatically improve ur browsing speed, and it's fairly easy 2 work through.


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